Pure BASIC is a Basic based language application for easily programming and modify open source basic projects, and creates stand alone executable applications that run under Windows, Amiga and Linux Operating Systems.
The user interface is very easy to use and offers many preferences and options for the users to set according to their own purposes.
Beside the strictly pure Basic concepts and syntax, the application comes with more than eight hundred commands, a good debugger facility, a fast application compiler, local and global variables support, quick access to the Operating System API, a good sysntax editor and the advantage of tracing possible bugs and fix them.
The application includes a very convenient visual designer that makes easier many of the programming steps. It gives the programmer the way to set on a designing 'table' with a grid on it: buttons, text boxes, labels, check boxes, radio buttons selections, folders, frames, Internet direct access, lists and combos, tree view directory views, status bars, scroll bars, hyperlinks, explorer views, etc. all of them are sizeable, to help the programmer in the designing process. It also includes an useful ASCII table and a built-in a CPU monitor.
The result file, when compiled, is totally executable and it doesn't need any auxiliary runtime program, external DLL or code interpreters, and is compiled as a native application in any usual OS, resulting a compact and totally free executable file.
Experts and novices will find this application a friendly way to easily program in Basic language.